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If You Cry Like a Baby
I am here to comfort you in all things. You are right to seek my comfort in this way. It is not a small thing to approach your God for assistance; this is the very fabric of your being in which form you were made. The infant cries out for nurture, comfort, companionship, food, clothing, cleansing, recreation, So too do I desire that you return to your first love. I am Love and I knew you before you were born. While still in the womb, I carried you. Love is not a promise to keep you from the slings and arrows of the world. I Am Love to whom you can cry out and from whom you can expect comfort, soothing ointments, immeasurable truths: that you might walk upright in the world undefeated by oppressive thoughts and victorious in purity of thought before the enemy.
I am here to be your peace, if you will let me. So said the prophets: that my Son shall be known by the peace of my people. Those who have no trials do not need to seek my peace. These are content in the world and find no need of me. But you have been tried, and by trial you are found blameless because you seek my assistance, the blood death and resurrection of my Son.
I am ever with my people; my chosen ones are ever aware of me their Righteousness. They do not seek to do, of their own strength. As an infant they understand that their only hope is to cry out to the One who is greater than they, and by relying they find the provision of their every need that they might grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. They are changed by my perfect care -- my perfect supply of all their needs. I do not give substandard care. My children grow up into Me, where they belong. All I ask is to be sought after.
Cry out like the infant unto Me and declare your trust in praise and songs of adoration. I will feed you beside still waters. I will restore your soul.
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