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Sunday, 30 October 2016

...He came to me in the night hours in a dream after I had called out to Him for help.  I knew that I needed God in my life but I didn't know how to find Him.  I didn't have any Christian friends.  My family and friends had mostly departed from me because of circumstances in my life which had rendered me useless to them and to myself:  I had reached the point where I was crying out to God for help.

I would wander around my house saying "God have mercy on me, God have mercy on me.  I don't know where you are, God.  I don't know if You’re here or on a distant planet.  I just know that there’s an empty place in my heart that needs filling.  There’s an ache in my heart that I find unbearable.  There’s no joy in me, no life in me.  I’m filled with sadness and sorrow and I have no hope.  I know, God, that I need you.  Please help me, a sinner.  I don’t know if You have anything to do with love, but if you do I want to know You.”...

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

I Love My Mom

I love my mom. Got a call to go to the hospital because she had been in a car accident. Rolled twice down a deep ditch. When I got there she was in the x-ray Dept so I had to wait. Finally, she comes rolling down the hall on her stretcher with the smile of an angel on her face. Face aglow, she says, “I told them all Jesus helped me”. Three broken ribs and a blood smear down her cheek and she is glowing with the most beautiful smile because she was able to share her Jesus.