...He came to me in the night hours in a dream after I had called out to Him for help. I knew that I needed God in my life but I didn't know how to find Him. I didn't have any Christian friends. My family and friends had mostly departed from me because of circumstances in my life which had rendered me useless to them and to myself: I had reached the point where I was crying out to God for help.
I would wander around my house saying "God have mercy on me, God have mercy on me. I don't know where you are, God. I don't know if You’re here or on a distant planet. I just know that there’s an empty place in my heart that needs filling. There’s an ache in my heart that I find unbearable. There’s no joy in me, no life in me. I’m filled with sadness and sorrow and I have no hope. I know, God, that I need you. Please help me, a sinner. I don’t know if You have anything to do with love, but if you do I want to know You.”...