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Friday, 13 May 2016

I Am on Your Breath: a Love Letter from God, #8. Audio visual


Never Alone

I am both healer and healing.  Remember this concerning salvation of body, mind and soul.  But I have made you to be a spiritual blessing among many spirits made to be one body of Jesus.  As a woman absorbs her husband's seed into her very being, so that his DNA can be found to reside within and as her; so does the spiritual body of Christ Jesus become a part of you -- an indwelling, living, changing , and unifying force that can respond to the name of One.

You have been exulted to righteousness by the cleansing of the spirit of Jesus within you.  Your spirit is no longer your own; for it has been joined to Jesus and by being joined to Him you have been made one with all of the saints and believers.  This is His bride; my daughter.  I could no more send you out away from me than I could send my Son, for we have been made one in Him.  He has seeded you with Himself and so my essence dwells in you and you are mine.

It is not difficult to understand that only those who choose to be changed in Christ, My Son, are one bride unto Him, or that only these shall be called the sons of God.  A true bride goes willingly in to her husband's chambers knowing she will be changed.  She is willing to give up her identity as an individual accountable to none and joined to none.  If she is raped and forced to the bedroom of her groom, she has not chosen unity.  She will eagerly escape from the bonds of her enforced marriage and reject the seed planted within her.  She will neither water nor nourish it, that it might be ineffective within her.  The true wife welcomes the life that is planted into her very being by her groom.  She prepares herself for His coming in unto her and eagerly moves and works as his right arm.  They have become complete, one.

Those who do not choose to marry their saviour will be brought in by fire.  These are reconciled unto Me.  Death eludes them, for they have been made righteous in My Son, but they have not chosen him as husband, and He cannot rape to bring in a bride.  These are the citizens of the kingdom, created as was Adam in purity and in the image of the living God.  They walk freely on the blackboard of creation as did Adam and Eve, but they shall not enter into My rest because they rejected the offer of such great love when it was given unto them with pleading and gifts and suffering.

You ask, "Is faith not a gift?"  I say to you again that the bride looks eagerly for her bridegroom, and when she spies him among the lilies and the roses she calls out to him, "Art thou the bridegroom who my soul seeks?"  All who seek shall find and it shall be given unto them to have eyes to see and ears to hear and faith to believe what they can scarcely dare to believe.  For you are mine for delights, My beloved.  I sought you tenderly and you came looking for your love.  You did not desire to be left alone to follow your own way but desired that which is better.

So now, beloved, rest in My peaceful presence and be amazed at My plans for you, which though they might be heavy for a moment are filled with eternal grace.  You shall never be alone.  We are One.

An Answer to the Persecuted Dead Beneath the Altar