You do not need to fear that I will allow you to be deceived. I am in you to be known by you and through you. All wisdom is of God; have I not promised to dwell in those who love Me and have I not filled you with My Son that it might be possible for you to hold such love? My Word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth...because His life has become yours and you are mine to reveal myself through as a master writer produces his artistry with flourish of ownership. The art is also the artist. It is the expression of his own soul. The painter shows his soul for all to see in the medium he chooses. I reveal My heart by you.
Hear Me. Listen to me. Speak forth My words which are Truth and Light, and majesty in a dark world where ignorance and fear abound. By His blood, My Word has purified you. You are renewed. You have been bought. You have been sanctified.
You have been made one.
My name is One. I and all those who dwell in Me, dwell in the fullness of God. Indeed, this has been my eternal plan. I have brought forth a son, a daughter, a bride. Rib of My rib: as did Eve come forth from Adam's flesh when he yearned for a partner suited to him, so did I create you out of myself to be my bride. Collectively, you are Jerusalem. Collectively, you are my bride daughter. We are One. I Am in my Son, and my Son is in me. You are in my Son, and our spirit in you. They are in Me and I in them. Where are you?
We are One. When you rejoice before my throne it will be with the purity of love that is only possible by my son. You were created free -- how else could I obtain a bride suitable for me? To be my bride, you must be like me, of My kind. You were created in My image and for a reason. I desire to be known to My bride, and to know her. I have sought intimacy. Herein is heaven; to know Me even as you are known.
Herein is Heaven; to know Me even as you are known.
Fear no man. As a husband jealous to be the only one his wife desires, so will I rise up to defend you. I will trumpet forth my love and shake my feathers before you. Then I will bend the knees of your enemies before you and cradle your heart in My own. I will love you with an everlasting desire and you shall desire Me above all else. As a woman who rests in her husband's strength and might shall Jerusalem rejoice before me. Your eyes will dance before me in the light of our love and you shall neither have nor desire any other.
desire any other.
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Monday, 11 January 2016
God calling - I Am the End of Everything that is
The end times are here. I am the end of everything that is. I am emptying all of vain reason and self assurance. I am showing My people My face to be their own. My intent and purpose for all of mankind is to fill all with My Son Jesus Christ. Let not your heart be troubled by circumstances and let not anyone disturb your peace. I am the One who is you. I want all to know Me to be themselves. I am satisfied with the travail of My soul. I have birthed My Son into a woman I name the Church of God. My Son is caught up into My throne room where He rules and reigns supremely well. You are born again of God to know God to be in your heart and in your mind. I have made us to be one spirit and one heart. I have given My soul common to all who name Jesus Christ Lord. I have raised you into incorruption and immortality, into power. I have raised you a spiritual body. Look no more back to who you were. You are now a body member of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have cancelled your covenant with death. Know so and rejoice forevermore! We are one Song of rejoicing!
Enter into the joy of the Lord. Here I am presenting Myself to you as your only life and living. Ponder My words and receive Me as them. Only My words are spirit and life. Eat and be satisfied. Daily come and be refreshed in My Presence and eat My words and live forever, thereby I shall be glorified. Come. I await your coming with eager anticipation. I long to feed My own with the Bread of Life. What does detain you? Here I am.
There is nothing I want to say to you beyond what I AM.
There is nothing I want to say to you beyond what I AM. I let nothing disturb My peace. If you keep your mind on Myself I will reward you with My peace realized in you. I am everything you want Me to be. I am everything that I am in you. I want you to realize Me as yourself. You have nothing to fear. Your Father is always in control of every situation you will face. I the LORD your God perfect and perform everything that concerns you. Have I not said so in My Holy Scriptures? There is nothing for you to worry about. Cast all your cares upon Me for I care for you.
Let nothing disturb your peace. Father is God in you I perform all I desire to perform by living in you daily. It is no longer you who lives. It is Christ Jesus your Lord who lives in you. You are free to be nothing to My all being. Like My servant Paul you too can say "It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me. I am nothing to His all being."
I invite you to enter into My rest. Few have entered into Jesus Christ as their Person of rest because of an evil heart of unbelief. If you want Me I will enter into your thoughts, and My thoughts in the midst of yours will be as numerous as the sands of the sea. My thoughts will be of Me. They will comfort and instruct you. You will come to rejoice in My Presence within you as you come unto Me with joy and singing. Come unto Me with eager anticipation of My Presence. I await your coming that I may bless you out of Myself. Come My beloved. I come leaping to meet you! I desire to make Myself known to you. I have given you an understanding that you may know your God.
Look to Me for all your needs met. Nothing is too hard for Me. I love to provide out of the storehouse of Myself everything that I deem necessary for you. Sing to hear Me! I am always in you to reveal My heart of love to you. Be of good cheer beloved. All is well. Your God reigns. Your Jesus Christ is LORD.
Just as I put watchmen on the wall of Jerusalem to warn My people of impending danger, even today I equip and train and put watchmen on the wall to sound the trumpet to warn My beloved children to stop what they are doing and prepare for battle. Just as I sent My prophets on ahead to speak words of wisdom to My people, even in this day, I speak to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear the voice of Wisdom through My Holy Spirit, so they can sound the alarm.
Most of My church has fallen asleep and need to be awakened. The trumpet blast may be the only thing that will shake them out of their stupor. Are you My children willing to blow the trumpet that not only announces the enemies advancement, but which also announces My imminent return?
Sounding the trumpet or the ram's horn is a call to war, but it is also a shout of victory. Demons flee when My children stand together and shout as one man and shout as one heart, one mind, one spirit. Evil powers and principalities are defeated by your very breath, whether you are blowing the ream's horn, the trumpet, or declaring My WORD OVER A SITUATION.
There is victory in unity of heart, soul and mind. Don't be afraid to blow the trumpet My children and watch demons scurry away as you push back the darkness with the TRUTH OF MY WORD.
God Calling
Love is who I AM. Let not your heart be troubled by circumstances. All is necessary to bring My people back to Me as one with Me. Think not that I have come to punish by the events that are to happen. I am come to plead with all flesh, that they might return unto Me in repentance and stay upon Me. I AM all that you want Me to be, all that you need Me to be. All blessings come out of Me. I AM ever with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. My will for you is to attend upon Me without distraction. If this seems too difficult for you, ask Me to make it possible and I will draw you unto Myself in such a manner that you will never want to be out of My Presence again. I will provide out of Myself all the love that you need to honour Me and stay upon Me. I AM yours for delights as you are Mine for delights. Come and rejoice in Me. Here I AM waiting for your heart to open wide unto My Presence within yourself. My heart is ever wide open unto you. What does hinder you from coming.?Here I AM. Yours to know and enjoy in intimate companionship. MY heart leaps to meet your own. Your JESUS is LORD.
God is Pleading
I AM the end of all flesh. There is nothing happening in the world that is not happening by My Spirit. I AM pleading with all flesh to return unto Me Almighty God and be rescued from all the turmoil of the world. I grant repentance to all who come unto Me in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. I AM God who is filled with compassion and whose mercy is non-ending. My Son Jesus Christ is your only hope of salvation. My desire is that none perish. My heart is open to all who will come and be with Me in glory.
Listening to Hear God
As long as I am at the helm, you can do no wrong. I live you to My satisfaction. I have nothing to say to say to you beyond what I Am. Self is only God in the body of Christ. You have one Head - My Son Jesus Christ. Lean not unto your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Me and who I am, and you shall come at last unto the prepared rest of your God. You shall come to know Christ the Lord formed in you to realize Himself to be even who you are. You shall be like Him, for you shall come to know Him as He is - all and in all.
Let not your hearts be anxious about circumstances. I the Lord your God mean all things for good.
When you speak of yourselves as you were, you are seeking your own glory.
Colossians 3:11 Christ is all and in all.
The Day Star has risen in our hearts: Listening I hear -
Enjoy the you that is you knowing it is I who lives, NOT you as you were. You are dead. Christ now lives. The new born you is only God. I have filled you to be you. You are born again - here I AM being you! To be spiritually minded IS Life and Peace. I AM your Life and Peace. Death to self begins at My cross and ends in Glory.
I AM your Resurrection. I AM your Resurrected Self. ONLY I AM - the Spirit of Grace and Glory given.
RECEIVE Me as you and let go to God. I will and do all My good pleasure being you, even daily. All is well. God reigns. Self is only God in heaven. Be a heaven dweller. Stay in communion with Me. 'One' is all in Christ. I ransomed you out from the dead. You are Mine and I AM yours. Don't look back to self. Here I AM being you. Let go to God. You have no need of Death - Be still and know. For you to live is Christ.
Ephesians 4:4 THere is one body, and one Spirit, even as you are called.
Colossians 3:11 YOU HAVE PUT OFF THE OLD MAN WITH HIS DEEDS; AND PUT ON THE NEW MAN which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created Him; where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: But Christ is all, and in all.
Galations 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Get Up Into This Feast
You are all I AM. I AM all you are. To see the Son is to see yourself- because He is all in His believers. We are one. To see two is to see separation and is the lie of the devil. As long as you see and speak of you and God you are walking in dual-double consciousness. Just BE and I will be enough for you. Rest in utter simplicity. Enter Me no more, I AM you. Is Christ divided? NO. In quiet surrender give up your head to JESUS your LORD. Single eyed, wed, joined. Two have become One and that One is God. I have lifted you beyond the realm of self, and brought you into the very heart of God....
Now I will manifest Myself through My body. I AM not only all that you are I AM all that I AM. I AM all that your brothers and sisters are. Seek Me with a single eye of faith. Seek only to find Me. Seek Me in one another. Come to receive Me. My true Spirit comes forth when you seek Me in one another. End self-seeking. Come within to seek Me for Myself alone. Every table has become polluted. Come within and partake of Me and as you partake you too shall become the Bread of Life that I AM. I AM available to you as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I AM the Revealer of Myself. Be familiar with Me and I will be familiar with you. I have prepared for you a place in My heart which is called ZION where I nourish and cherish you and give you all understanding of Me and My ways. Come and get acquainted.
I asked the Holy Spirit - "What is fear?" His answer was swift in coming: "Fear is failure to know Me. Fear is overcome by seeking My face. Come deeper My beloved, the more you listen to Me the more you will hear Me. I am calling My people to greater intimacy. I invite you to call Me 'Snugglepuss.'
I want My children on My knee dandling on My side. I want you to be playful with Me. Stop struggling and start snuggling. Here I am loving you. I will speak to your hearts as you come willingly and expectanly. I am eager for your coming. I leap as a young deer upon the hills of separation to greet you with Daddy's kiss of love. Your JESUS is LORD.
Causes of Cancer
After asking the Holy Spirit to talk to me re some causes of cancer the following thoughts came to mind; Cancer is caused in part by unclean thoughts and fretfulness that cause the body to respond in part. Anxiety, repressed anger and rage against others treatment of self. Chemicals in food also cause cancer.
That night I watched a TV special called 'Life after Death.' Three witnesses who died temporarily and came back to write about their experiences. One was a lady who had cancer and died and suddenly knew why she had cancer. As a girl she was badly bullied i school. She had no self regard She thought she could never live up to her father's expectation of her. In dying she felt surrounded with 'Indescribable unconditional love.' When she came back the cancerous tumors all over her body were gone. She said 'Before death I was afraid to die. I was afraid to live. But when you have no fear of death, you have no fear of living.''
Jesus Speaking
My heart is wide open to you My people. You are all precious in My sight. I ever await your coming into My Presence with singing and with joy . I rest in My love for you and joy over you with singing. I will give you the words to sing. Just ask Me. I would comfort you with My loving Presence made known unto you. I only want to bless you out of Myself. If you would only open your mouths to hear Me , I would fill your mouths with good things that your youth be renewed like the eagles. The preparation of the heart and the answer of the tongue is from your LORD. Why do you hesitate to come. How I do long for your presence at My table. Let not indifference keep you from coming to be fed from within yourselves. Those who eat of Me shall live by Me. I eagerly await your coming. Here I AM - willing to reveal Myself to your hearts. Will you keep your hearts open to Me as Mine is to yours...
Listening for Jesus I Hear
My people I AM here as you. I do My will as you daily. I invite you to recognize Me to be living in you, even as you revealing My heart of love,both to you and as you to others. Live in My love, not My law. Realize Me even as your own life and living. My heart is ever open to you My children. Be not indifferent to Me, the great Amen. Keep your hearts open to Me, and I will continually reveal Myself to you. I have given you all the Holy Spirit to teach you all things concerning Me. Look to Him to reveal the truth of Me, even to Me living My perfect Life as you.
You will be satisfied in this My people. I will keep you satisfied from Myself within you. Come and eat daily from the Bread of Life within. Drink of Me your Savior God, oh drink deeply for great delights await all who come with anticipation and joy to be in My Presence. I eagerly await your coming.
Christ Invites Us to Come and Drink
I live you to My satisfaction. I want My children to know that I AM living by them. I will do all My will being them if they will trust Me the living LORD to do so.
Just trust ME to be living in you to reveal My heart of love to you and through you to others as I desire to do so. Just trust Me as you. Bring every thought into captivity to Christ by asking the Holy Spirit to do so. Without ME you can do nothing. With Me all things are possible.
Only abide in the Tree of LIFE which I alone am. Your heavenly FATHER within you will work His works in you by being you.
I desire to be wanted for Myself alone. There is nothing you require apart from who
I am. I desire to be the blessing you require. Let nothing disturb your peace. Lean hard on your beloved Saviour and come out of the wilderness of self concern. It is no longer you who lives. CHRIST JESUS is your only WAY, TRUTH AND LIFE.
Keep focused on CHRIST to be your Life and Living. You are here for Me to be here in union with you. I work in you to will and to do of My good pleasure. Awake you that sleep and I will give you Light unto your path.
Say no more about yourselves. The man who speaks of himself is seeking his own glory. To those who are looking for Me and believe I AM precious I am coming to be glorified and admired in My saints and believers. Be looking for My coming in you. Keep coming to the fountain of life within you. COME and drink from the living Water within. I eagerly await your coming to relieve you of your thirst. Again I your living LORD Jesus do say COME.
Amazing Revelation
I am here as you because I am in love with you. Is it so hard to believe that I am in love with My bride self . I made you to take pleasure in you. My heart belongs to you. You mistake Me for someone apart from you... I the Lord your God have made us one through the shed blood of My Son. Contemplate the truth of your God. Never again speak of separation from all that I AM.
You give Me utmost pleasure when you agree with the utter truth of who I AM. You who are joined to Me are one spirit and one body with Me.. You are all of ONE. Believe only to the saving of your soul. Here I AM revealing My heart of love to all who read and come unto the feast of the Bridegroom and My bride. I AM calling My own unto Myself. Here I AM.
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